Four new releases for you!

These past two months have been incredibly eventful! His Desire was released on 7/1, followed by His Choice on 7/29. Fractured Trust came out on 8/6, and finally, His Return was released today, 8/14. And there is more in store for September, October, and November! Whether you are a Coastal Investigation fan, an HIS fan, or an Agents of HIS fan, there is plenty for you to dive into right now and throughout the end of the year.

I wanted to spotlight His Return since it releases today. N.N. Light’s Book Heaven reviewed it and gave it 5-stars! Here is a snapshot of the review:

“I connected with the characters right away. The narration is descriptive while infusing emotional angst throughout the story. The action blends with the suspense and romance to make this an unforgettable book.”

“Sheila Kell has another must-read on her hands. Her writing is flawless. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.”

You can read the full review here: His Return Review

I know it is short notice, but we are having a Facebook Party for the release of His Return. If you’d like to join, it is from 4 pm -9:30 pm Eastern time in my Reader Group. You can join here: Sheila’s Reader Group

Until next time