Whew – I survived!

Tropicon ’24 is in the books! I had a blast and met a lot of fabulous readers and authors. Plus, I had quality time with my niece, who acted as my PA during the event. If you missed it, that’s okay. I’m signing again in Biloxi, MS, and New Orleans, LA, in September. Can’t make those? You can always get a signed copy of my books. Just ask!

It’s time to finish my current HIS and CI books to get them to you. I’m about midway on each, so it shouldn’t take long. The time comes with editing and polishing. Soon, I’ll share the book cover for Bayou Sunset, Romeo’s story. Keep an eye out on my blog, and if you haven’t joined my newsletter yet (where they see it first), do so today. Subscribe here!

Until next time!