How success feels

How does success feel? Fabulous! Having you supporting me—priceless.

When I published His Desire nearly five years ago, I told myself that in five years I wanted to publish ten books. With my many starts and stops, I had doubted it’d happen. Yet, Evening Shadows, my tenth book, published nearly two months prior to the upcoming 5th anniversary of His Desire release. It’s a great feeling overcoming all I did to write enough to publish worthy novels, and one novella. If I could physically do it, I’d jump for joy. I must settle with the actions in my mind. The imagination can be just as powerful. Look at what I put on paper for you to read.

My next goal is to publish ten more books in five years, some HIS and some other stories. Since I’m already behind the power curve in writing, it will also be a challenge, but a worthy one. I have a short story going into a Valentine’s anthology, then I’m on to Danny’s story in Agents of HIS. With you standing behind me, I know all things are possible.