Crazy Cat Lady

For those who have followed me on social media, you’re aware that I have four cats. I’m called a Crazy Cat Lady but it doesn’t bother me since it’s just a name. How did I end up with four cats? I had two cats—Puddles, as named by readers—and Fred, who I’d rescued from the woods surrounding my house. My cats are inside/outside cats. One night, Fred didn’t come home. I searched and six people I’d never met showed to help me. After a week, we stopped searching. One time, I got lost.Thank goodness for GPS.

I wanted a cat to play with Puddles, so at a cat rescue group, Jeffrey joined the family. After that, the group that helped me search began bringing strays to me. Then a woman called and dropped off a fat cat. Not fat, pregnant. I called myself “fostering” them, and found homes for most of them. I had two cats left that I didn’t find homes for and they became part of the family.

I had a catwalk built for them and find no peace in the bathroom. I love my cats—Puddles, Jeffery, Jackie, and Camilla (Baby Girl). I’d love to post a picture, but they won’t remain still, especially when grouped.

How did your pet(s) become part of your family?