What do I listen to while writing?


I’m getting back to updating my website, but I wanted to stop and answer a tough question today: What do I listen to while I write? I know many writers who have music on in the background, but I’m not one of them. If I do, I begin to sing along in my head and lose track of my thoughts on the scene I am writing. I tried quiet and that didn’t work. What does work for me? Cartoons! I’ve always been a cartoon fanatic. I keep them low in the background. My favorites? Penguins of Madagascar (although I tend to watch the episodes), Scooby-Doo and SpongeBob. I allow them to replay so many times I know their theme songs by heart. The only caveat is that I cannot listen to them while I am writing sex scenes. It just seems wrong. I tend to just allow it to be quiet then.


Until next time—Happy Reading!

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