Please welcome Jeffrey* to my family. I adopted him from 9 Lives Cat Rescue and hope he’ll keep Kit occupied so I can type without fighting off attacks on my hands. Unfortunately, that means losing more desk space or spending time keeping Jeffrey off my desk and off my keyboard. Those who have young cats understand.
A few weeks ago, I finally cleared my closet of all my dark clothing since I’d tired of fighting the white cat hair off of them. I’m not sure what I will be able to wear now with light and dark cat hair to battle. What we do for the love of animals…
Please support your local pet rescue organizations and shelters through donations, whether monetary or items needed, volunteer your time, and adopt.
Saving one animal won’t change the world, but surely, the world will change for that one animal.
*Jeffrey was originally named Stormy but my niece, who helped me choose him, decided he looked like a Jeffrey.